Sunday, 26 April 2009

Death of a needy pet

My first podcast: Death of a needy pet!

Yes, we do have to thank mr. Bananas for this, and
no, honestly, I didn't call it love just to please an absent audience!

Let me know if it works for you!

* as someone pointed out by e-mail, it might not be a bad idea to also provide you with the possibility to download Death of a needy pet as a pdf.


  1. Bravo! I love your girlie voice, especially when it's talking about sex! Nice little story. I get the impression you're not that keen on happy endings.

  2. \o/ whoop whoop \o/

    Is that my next assignment then, mr. Bananas, a happy ending?

    Speaking of assignments: when you told me to write a children's story, love prevailed and they lived happily ever after, and then you weren't satisfied either!

    You're a hard ape to please, you are!

  3. That was the wrong kind of happy ending, Deb. Your storytelling ability far exceeds your judgment of endings. Anyway, how about a podcast of an autobiographical post? You've done a few, and it would be interesting to hear them in your own voice. I feel a bit sorry for the fellow who wasted his time trying to seduce you in a bar.

  4. Aw, you have such a lovely voice! I particularly take pleasure in your perfectly pronounced plosives!!

    I hope you do this again! *clap*

  5. Thanks, I will!
    When my boyfriend heard it he immediately volunteered to do 'a voice' too, so I've already got a dialogue lined up with him ^!^
