Tuesday, 11 August 2009


I admire all those bloggers who can resist the once in a lifetime opportunity to sunbathe in London without being on acid. Real life, these days, is too good to pause and blog about it. The only excuse I have to stop getting high on real city smog, is my dissertation.

A short summary, then, as an apology.

The course:
I got an A for my essay on blogging for authors! Thanks, everyone!

The dissertation: I finished my first draft!

Real life: From night swimming in Wales to getting scouted for a Dove commercial to seeing my friends from Bloomsbury again at the blook launch of BabyBarista and successfully pitching my novel to an agent!

I'll be back with short stories when the summer and my dissertation are over, I promise!


  1. Dear Deborah,
    We are so proud of you being our daughter.
    So far you did so many things succesfully.
    Now you got an A for your essay on blogging for authors. Congratulations and succes with your dissertation.
    With love your parents.

  2. Congrats on the work. Enjoy the break
